Corriboard, also known as corrugated plastic sheet comprises a twin-wall structure. It is composed of two layers of flat plastic, known as flutes, separated by a wavy layer of plastic called a corrugate. The twin-wall structure of Corriboard gives it several advantages over traditional materials such as cardboard or wood. For one, it is much stronger and more durable than those materials, making it ideal for use in applications where a lot of wear and tear is expected. Additionally, the twin-wall structure provides the following:
The sheet can be directly printed or used as a base for placing decals or adhesive vinyl. Lightweight and cheap, the 2.0mm sheet is often used as a floor covering during renovation, painting or upgrade work. It can be easily cut with a Stanley blade. The twin-wall structure also makes Corriboard lightweight and easy to cut and shape, making it ideal for use in various applications. Corriboard is also water-resistant, making it suitable for use in outdoor and damp environments. Overall, the twin-wall structure of Corriboard provides a balance of strength, durability, insulation, and weight that makes it a versatile and cost-effective option for a wide range of applications.